TRDizin: Determination of Quality Standards for Management
and Administrative Services in Science Teacher
Training Programs
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A country's competitiveness and development efforts are determined by the qualified manpower it has trained.
Reaching qualified manpower is possible with a good higher education. At this point, quality and competencies
of higher education institutions come to the fore. In this direction, families are constantly researching for their
children to have a good university education and take into account quality indicators to make a good choice.
In this study, science teacher training programs, which are higher education programs, were examined in
terms of quality standards for management and administrative services. A quality standard scale has been
developed within the scope of the research. The survey method, which is one of the quantitative research methods,
was used in the research process. While determining the research sample, criterion sampling and appropriate
sampling types were preferred. 1352 people participated in the study voluntarily and willingly. As a
data collection tool, a Likert-type scale with 7 factors and 58 items was used by the researchers. The data
obtained within the scope of the research were analyzed using SPSS 20.0 and LISREL 9.2 package programs.
As a result of the exploratory factor analysis of the developed scale, it was seen that the factor loads varied
between .402 and .907. The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin value was determined to be .817. It was found that the total
variance explained was 55.93% and Cronbach's Alpha value was .907. As a result of the confirmatory factor
analysis, it was found that X2/Df value was 1.93, RMSEA value was .04, NNFI value was .95, SRMR value
was .07 and AGFI value was .75. According to the results of the research, a valid and reliable scale was developed
and it was determined that the stakeholder opinions (prospective teachers, teachers, faculty members)
contributed to the quality standards at “a very significant” level.
Aydin, S., Yilmaz, A. (2021). Determination of Quality Standards for Management
and Administrative Services in Science Teacher
Training Programs. OPUS Uluslararası Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi, 17(37), 4760-4783