The Seasonal and Spatial Distribution of Trichoptera Larvae in the Arac Creek (Kastamonu, Karabuk, Turkey)

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2020.01.01, 2020-12-01


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Aim of study: The larvae of different insect species are used to assess water quality at variouspollution levels. The aim of this study was to determine the species composition and seasonal distributionof Trichoptera larvae of the Araç Creek and relation with physicochemical parameters.Area of study: Benthic macroinvertebrates were collected between April and October 2013 seasonallyto determine the trichopteran species of the Araç Creek.Material and method: The samples were collected using a standard dip net (500µm). The trichopterantaxa were identified using Leica APO S8 binocular stereomicroscope. Environmental variables weremeasured in the field using portable instruments while total hardness was measured according to thestandard analytical methods.Main results: Fifteen trichopteran taxa were identified from the Araç Creek. Three of them could beidentified at the genus level. The maximum number of trichopteran larvae were collected at station 2 (311individuals) while the fewest trichopteran were collected at station 6 (87 individuals). Hydropsychebotosaneanui was found to be the dominant species in Araç Creek.Research highlights: A total of 1223 larvae belonging to Trichoptera were collected from the AraçCreek. 15 taxa belonging to 9 genera of 8 different families (Brachycentridae, Hydropsychidae,Hydroptilidae, Lepidostomatidae, Leptoceridae, Limnephilidae, Psychomyiidae and Rhyacophilidae)were identified. The highest number of individuals was found in the spring season




Küçükbasmaci, İ., Findik, Ö. (2020). The Seasonal and Spatial Distribution of Trichoptera Larvae in the Araç Creek (Kastamonu, Karabük, Turkey). Kastamonu Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 20(1), 1-10
