Publication: Genomic and Functional Characterization of Heat Shock Protein Families in Jujube Genome (Ziziphus jujuba) by in silico Methods
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2021.01.01, 2021-03-01
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Aim of study: It was aimed to identify and characterize Hsp genes in jujube genome using genomics methods.
Material and method: Protein sequences of jujube Hsp genes were obtained from NCBI databases. GSDS
program was used to detect of exon-intron sites. To define the conserved motifs and estimated 3D-structures, Hsp
proteins were used in the MEME-SUITE and PHYRE2 program, respectively. miRNAs targeting ZjuHsp transcripts
were identified using the psRNATarget Server database. The gene annotations of Hsp proteins were presented by
Blast2GO program. Sequence alignment was performed with ClustalW software, and then the phylogenetic tree was
drawn using MEGAX program.
Main results: A total of 474 genes were defined in the jujube genome. The amino acid length of the Hsp proteins
changes from 75 aa to 2577 aa. The estimated 3-D structure of the ZjuHsp proteins revealed the dominance of the αhelix structure. Phylogenetic tree was constructed to detect evolutionary relationships revealed the eight major groups
of the ZjuHsp100 and ZjuHsp60. ZjuHsp proteins could be mainly found in cell parts, membranes, and organelles. It
was determined that the ZjuHsp100 genes was targeted by 313 miRNAs.
Highlights: This study helps the researchers who would like to comparative and functional genomic studies.
Ceylan, K., Baloğlu, M., Çeli̇k Altunoğlu, Y., Ceylan, Y. (2021). Genomic and Functional Characterization of Heat Shock
Protein Families in Jujube Genome (Ziziphus jujuba) by in silico
Methods. Kastamonu Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 21(3), 277-294