Anthocyanin compounds of the persian sour cherry (Prunus cerasus l) as the fruit with high antioxidant properties

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2022-06-15, 2022.01.01


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In this work, it has been explained that the significant parameter for increasing the absorbed amount in a direct non-linear track to moving from the Beer-Lambert principle is the self-conjoint of anthocyanins of cy, dp, and pt compounds.The shifting of enthalpy between acn-Al3+/Ga3+/Cr3+/Fe3+/Mg2+ liaison compounds has been studied the double conjunctions and carbonyl groups due to the linkage of B ring for cy, dp, and pt of anthocyanins in vacuum and water ambiance debating the strongness and color of acn-Al3+/Ga3+/Cr3+/Fe3+/Mg2+ linkage of cy, dp, and pt structures in a weakly acidic medium in the Iranian sour cherry. The ACNs including Cy, Dp, and Pt within the largest linkage in the strong part of these compounds by metal cations of Al3+/Ga3+/Cr3+/Fe3+/Mg2+ cause a different limit of colors under acidic pH. Besides, the charge density and electron charges have been received by matching the electrostatic capacity to a constant charge of O+17, O+16, and O+7 particles for cy-Mn+(n:31), dp-Mn+ (n:32) and pt-Mn+(n:35), using the electrophilic parts of cy, dp and pt anthocyanin unities thet indicate the mouvement and the resistance of these structures in the reel samples like persian sour cherry.



Anthocyanin | Anthocyanin-metal linkage | Beer-Lambert principle | Cy | Dp | Persian sour cherry | Pt | Vacuum | Water

