12 - Sorumlu Üretim ve Tüketim

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Sürdürülebilir üretim ve tüketim kalıplarını sağlamak: Ekonomik büyüme ve sürdürülebilir kalkınmayı başarmak için, malları ve kaynakları üretme ve tüketme biçimlerimizi değiştirmek suretiyle ekolojik ayak izimizi derhal azaltmamız gerekiyor. Dünya genelinde en büyük su tüketicisi tarımdır ve tarımsal sulama, insanların kullandığı tüm taze suyun yaklaşık %70’ini buluyor.

Publication Search Results

Now showing 1 - 5 of 5
  • Publication
    Functional variables of bull sperm associated with cryotolerance
    (2021-01-01) Gilmore A., Hitit M., Ugur M.R., Dinh T.T.N., Tan W., Jousan D., Nicodemus M., Topper E., Kaya A., Memili E.; Gilmore, A, Hitit, M, Ugur, MR, Dinh, TTN, Tan, W, Jousan, D, Nicodemus, M, Topper, E, Kaya, A, Memili, E
    The objective of this study was to ascertain sperm population and cellular characteristics as well as total antioxidant capacity in spermatozoa from Holstein bulls with Good (11 bulls) and Poor (5 bulls) cryotolerance. Post-thaw sperm kinetics were evaluated using CASA, membrane integrity was assessed via HOS test, and DNA fragmentation was measured using the HaloSperm kit. Data were analyzed using principal component analysis. The spermatozoa from Good bulls had a higher number of cells with intact membranes (P=0.029), non-fragmented DNA (P=0.018), and post-thaw viability (P<0.001) compared to sperm cells from Poor cryotolerance bulls. Sperm cells from Good bulls also had a faster average path velocity (P=0.017) and straight-line velocity (P=0.036), along with a greater distance average path (P=0.006) and distance straight line (P=0.011). However, total antioxidant capacity, number of live cells, and other kinetic parameters between spermatozoa from Good and Poor groups were not different. There is no one specific sperm function variable alone that can accurately predict cryotolerance of bull spermatozoa, and thus, a combination of sperm cell attributes and kinematics needs to be utilized by the AI industry in differentiating between freezability of spermatozoa between bulls.
  • Publication
    The usability of cytological and immunocytological methods for rapid diagnosis of encephalitic listeriosis in ruminants
    (2021-01-01) Özdemir Ö., Ortatatli M., Terzi F., Hatipoğlu F., Çiftçi M.K., Ateş M.B.; Funda TERZİ, Fatih HATİPOĞLU, Mehmet Burak ATEŞ, Mustafa Kemal ÇİFTÇİ, Özgür ÖZDEMİR, Mustafa ORTATATLI; Ozdemir, O, Ortatatli, M, Terzi, F, Hatipoglu, F, Ciftci, MK, Ates, MB
    Although the clinical and pathological findings are important in the diagnosis of listeriosis, to isolation or to be shown the presence of the bacterium must be required for the definitive diagnosis. This study aims to investigate the availability of imprint cytological (IC) and immunocytochemical (ICC) methods in comparison with histopathological and immunohistochemical (IHC) methods for the rapid diagnosis of encephalitic listeriosis. In the study, the touching and smear preparations taken from the pons and medulla oblongata of 25 ruminants suspected with listeriosis by neurological symptoms were stained with modified giemsa and also with ICC technic for revealing antigens, as a new method. Same tissue sections were stained with Hematoxylin&Eosin and IHC methods too, and examined under light microscope by scoring. In IC examinations, there were intensive neutrophils in 14 cases and few neutrophils in 4 cases, and no neutrophils were observed in 7 cases. In histopathological examinations, 13 of these 14 cases revealed typical microabscesses and listeria positivity in IHC staining. ICC positivity was detected in 12 (92.3%) of the listeria positive 13 cases. A highly positive correlation was observed among cytology (14), ICC (12), histopathology and IHC (13) scores (r2> 0.8; P<0.01). In conclusion, the cytological examination of the pons and medulla oblongata of listeriosis-suspected ruminants revealed that a rapid pre-diagnosis could be made with the presence of intense neutrophils. Also, with ICC staining of cytological preparations, the diagnosis could be performed with 92.3% accuracy. Since ICC is an easy and fast method, it is concluded that it can be used safely especially in field studies, along with cytological examination.
  • Publication
    Detection of botulinum neurotoxin serotypes c and d, and their effects on expressions of snap-25 and synaptobrevin in ruminants: An immunohistochemical study[1,2]
    (2021-01-01) Ateş M.B., Terzi F., Çiftçi M.K., Ortatatli M., Çelik Z.; Zeynep ÇELİK, Mehmet Burak ATEŞ, Funda TERZİ, Mustafa Kemal ÇİFTÇİ, Mustafa ORTATATLI; Ates, MB, Terzi, F, Ciftci, MK, Ortatatli, M, Celik, Z
    In humans and animals, botulism is a disease characterized by generalized and progressive paralysis caused by Clostridium botulinum neurotoxins (BoNT). BoNTs, defined in seven different antigenic types (A to G), proteolyze SNAREs (synaptosomal-associated protein/SNAP-25 and synaptobrevin) responsible for acetylcholine release in peripheral cholinergic neurons, and thus cause flaccid paralysis and death. Currently, mouse experiments are considered the reference method for definitive diagnosis. However, new diagnostic methods that are fast and accurate and would not raise ethical issues need to be developed. Therefore, using antibodies specific to the toxoid forms of BoNTs, the presence of BoNT-C and/or BoNT-D was investigated by immunohistochemical method (IHC) in the study. The tissues of thirty ruminants (twenty cattle, seven sheep, three goats), which had the clinical and pathological findings of botulism and a herd history of the disease, were used as material. BoNTs were detected with IHC in sixteen of the thirty ruminants as three BoNT-C, eleven BoNT-D, and two BoNT C+D. In the mouse experiments, BoNT was isolated in only three cases (two BoNT-D, one BoNT-C). Additionally, being responsible for the clinical findings of botulism, the interaction of BoNTs with SNAP-25 and synaptobrevin was investigated using IHC. It was determined that BoNT-C specifically reduces the expression of SNAP-25, and BoNT-D reduces the expression of synaptobrevin and partially SNAP-25. It was concluded that additional studies may be valuable to investigate the use of IHC in the diagnosis of botulism.
  • Publication
    The Impact of Online Concept Maps on Academic Achievement and Retention in Science Course
    (2019.01.01) Gulec, M, Karaci, A; Mehmet GÜLEÇ, Abdulkadir KARACI
    Bu çalışmadaki amaç, fen bilimleri derslerinde çevrimiçi kavram haritalarının kâğıt-kalem temelli kavram haritalarına göre öğrenci başarısını ve kalıcılığını ne düzeyde etkilediğini incelemektir. Çalışmanın çalışma grubunu, 28 ortaokul yedinci sınıf öğrencisi oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmada kontrol grubuna (14 öğrenci) kağıt-kalem temelli kavram haritaları öğretim metoduyla, deney grubuna (14 öğrenci) ise çevrimçi kavram haritaları öğretim metoduyla 3 hafta (12 saat) süreyle öğretim verilmiştir. Çevrimiçi ve kağıt-kalem temelli kavram haritaları kütle-ağırlık konusunun kazanımlarını kapsayacak şekilde oluşturulmuştur. Çevrimiçi kavram haritalarının oluşturulmasında Captivate eğitsel yazılım programı kullanılmıştır. Ayrıca kütle-ağırlık konusuyla ilgili olarak 24 maddeden oluşan başarı testi (KR-21=0.695) oluşturulmuştur. Gruplara ön-testin ardından son-test, 45 gün sonra ise kalıcılık testi uygulanmıştır. Araştırmada elde edilen bulgular neticesinde “kütle-ağırlık” konusunun öğretilmesinde çevrimiçi ya da bilgisayar destekli kavram haritalarının kağıt-kalem temelli kavram haritalarına göre akademik başarıya ve kalıcılığa etkisinin daha fazla olduğu söylenebilir. Bunun yanı sıra çevrimiçi kavram haritalarının son-test puanlarına %74’luk anlamlı ve büyük bir etkisi söz konusudur. Bu sonuçlara göre çevrimiçi kavram haritalarının mümkün olan her alanda geliştirilmesi ve kullanılması öğretimi desteklemede büyük önem arz etmektedir.
  • Publication
    Dog massacre with pesticide for theft: Methomyl poisoning
    (2019-01-01) Özdemir Ö., Ateş M., Ortatatli M., Terzi F., Avci T., Hatipoğlu F., Çiftçi M.; Özgür ÖZDEMİR, Mustafa Kemal ÇİFTÇİ, Fatih HATİPOĞLU, Mustafa ORTATATLI, Funda TERZİ, Mehmet Burak ATEŞ, Tülay AVCI; Ozdemir, O, Ates, MB, Ortatatli, M, Terzi, F, Avci, T, Hatipoglu, F, Ciftci, MK
    In this case report, acute methomyl poisoning in dogs is described by pathological and toxicological findings for the first time in Turkey. Five of the thirty stray dogs that were found dead within 1-2 days after eating the foodstuffs in an industrial area in Konya were necropsied. Grossly, undigested pieces of chicken meat with a mild insecticidal smell in stomach of all dogs were found and toxicological analysis by GC-MS revealed toxic levels of methomyl in the stomach contents (15.7-17.8 ppm) and, intestines, livers and kidneys (1.2-2.9 ppm) also. In addition, histopathologically degenerative and necrotic changes were observed in liver, brain, lung, kidneys and gastrointestinal system mucosa. Postmortem and histopathological examinations and toxicological analyses revealed that deaths were related to methomyl poisoning and it has been subsequently learned from the police officers and printed media that this poison had been deliberately infected to dog food for the purpose of theft committed in the industrial area. Publishing these intentional poisoning events, we have wanted to draw attention to that more serious measures and statutory regulations should be taken by governments about animal rights.