The Vegetative Propagation Possibilities of Black Alder [Alnus glutinosa subsp. barbata (C. A. Mey.) Yalt.]


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In this study, the collecting date of softwood cuttings, rooting media, or-tet age and cutting type were investigated on Alnus glutinosa subsp. barbata (C. A. Mey.) Yalt. Rooting media and cutting type showed no significant effect on the rooting percentage (RP), ramet height (RH) and rootlet number (RN) while or-tet age showed significant effect on these parameters. The highest RP as 56.7 and 48.30 0 were obtained for the tip cuttings and basal cuttings of 1+0 aged oftets, respectively, while the lowest RP as 00 was obtained for the tip cuttings of 2+0 aged oftets. Determimng of the lower RP for the cuttings of 2+0 aged oftets than the cuttings of the older ortets can be explained together with the ortet genetic character. The highest RH (18.3 cm) was obtained for the tip cuttings of the 1 +0 aged 01tets and RN (8.3 number) was obtained for the basal cuttings of the same ortets. The highest mean RP were obtained for the cuttings of 1+0 aged seed originating oftets and physiologically 1+0 aged sprout originating 01tets as 41.35 and 35.55 0 0, respectively. Based on the results of this study, basal cuttings of the young oftets, collected in the middle of the June should be used in the autovegetative propagation ofAlnus barbata.




Softwood Cuttings” Pak. Journal of Biological Sciences, 9 (2):238–242.



Alnus glutinosa sub sp. barbata, rooting, ramet, breeding program, rootlet

