Cakir I.T.Senol A.Tasci A.T.2023-04-122023-04-122013-02-0105874254 production of different flavor heavy quarks can provide a probe for W' bosons at the LHC. We study pp → t'b̄' X process with the subsequent decays t' → W+b and b̄' → W -W+b̄, and compare the results with the tb̄ final state. The effects of the W' boson to the different flavor pair production cross section are shown to be important in some parameter region for the heavy quark masses of 600 and 700 GeV. We present accessible mass limits for the W' boson at the LHC with √s = 14 TeV.trueAssociated production of different flavor heavy quarks through W bosons at the LHCArticle10.5506/APhysPolB.44.2032-s2.0-84874707471