Gürelli, Gözde, Mohamed, Asem Ramadan AmarGürelli G., Mohamed A.R.A.Asem Ramadan Amar MOHAMED, Gözde GÜRELLİ2023-05-092023-05-092021-12-022021-12-022021-03-01Mohamed, A., Gürelli̇, G. (2021). Comparative Study of Rumen Ciliate Fauna of Goat and Sheep in Libya. Türkiye Parazitoloji Dergisi, 45(4), 274-279https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12597/15203https://search.trdizin.gov.tr/publication/detail/508906/comparative-study-of-rumen-ciliate-fauna-of-goat-and-sheep-in-libyahttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12597/6608This study aims to provide comparative information on the rumen ciliate fauna of goat () and sheep () living in Zawiya, Libya.We obtained rumen samples from 16 goats and 17 sheep after the slaughter in Zawiya, Libya between June and August 2016. We immediately fixed the well-mixed samples with an equal volume of 18.5% formalin. We filtered and stained the samples in the laboratory with methyl green formalin saline solution to determine the nuclei and added 2% Lugol's iodine solution to visualize the skeletal plates.We found that the mean number (± standard deviation) of ciliates in the rumen contents from goats and sheep was 70.9±61.6×10 cells mL (minimum-maximum value, 4.0-187.0×10 cells mL) and 96.3±49.3×10 cells mL (minimum-maximum value, 19.5-235.0×10 cells mL), respectively. Results also showed that the total number of species per goat and sheep was 1-17 (mean, 8.2±4.7) and 1-13 (mean, 7.9±3.8), respectively. We identified 10 genera, 19 species, and 11 morphotypes in goats and 9 genera, 16 species, and 13 morphotypes in sheep. Additionally, we found that prevalence in all goats and sheep was 100%. On the other hand, we observed and in only one goat (6.3% prevalence) and in only one sheep (5.9% prevalence). Overall, the ruminal ciliate fauna of goat and sheep in Libya comprised species (mean for goats, 85.9%; mean for sheep, 83.5%).This study recorded as a new endosymbiont in goats. To our knowledge, this study is the first to report all of the species detected in goats from Libya. Similarly, this is the first to detect , and in sheep from Libya.Bu çalışmanın amacı Zawiya, Libya’da bulunan keçilerin () ve koyunların () işkembe siliyat faunası üzerine karşılaştırmalı bilgiler elde etmektir.İşkembe örnekleri Zawiya, Libya’daki 16 keçi ve 17 koyundan Haziran 2016 ve Ağustos 2016 tarihleri arasında kesim işlemlerinden hemen sonra alınmıştır. İyi karışmış örnekler eşit hacimli %18,5’lik formalin ile hemen tespit edilmiştir. Örnekler laboratuvarda süzülmüş ve metil yeşili formalin salin solüsyonuyla boyanmıştır. Metil yeşili formalin salin solüsyonu nukleusları belli etmek için kullanılmış ve iskelet plaklarını belli etmek için de örneklere %2’lik Lugol’ün iyot solüsyonu eklenmiştir.Libya’daki 16 keçinin ve 17 koyunun işkembe örneklerindeki siliyat sayısı (± standart sapma) sırasıyla, 70,9±61,6×10 hücre mL (minimum-maksimum değer, 4,0-187,0×10 hücre mL) ve 96,3±49,3×10 hücre mL’dir (minimum-maksimum değer, 19,5-235,0×10 hücre mL). Keçi ve koyun başına türlerin toplam sayısı sırasıyla, 1-17 (ortalama, 8,2±4,7) ve 1-13’tür (ortalama, 7,9±3,8). Keçilerde 10 cins, 19 tür ve 11 morfotip teşhis edilirken, buna karşın koyunlarda 9 cins, 16 tür ve 13 morfotip tespit edilmiştir. bütün keçilerde ve koyunlarda %100’lük bir oranda tespit edilmiştir. ve sadece 1 keçide (%6,3 yaygınlık), aynı şekilde sadece 1 koyunda (%5,9 yaygınlık) gözlemlenmiştir. Genelde, Libya’daki keçi ve koyunların işkembe siliyat faunası türlerinden oluşmaktadır (keçiler için ortalama %85,9; koyunlar için ortalama %83,9)., keçiler için yeni bir endosimbiyonttur. Keçilerden tespit edilen tüm türler, Libya’dan ilk kez rapor edilmiştir. ve Libya’daki koyunlarda ilk kez tespit edilmiştir.OBJECTIVE: This study aims to provide comparative information on the rumen ciliate fauna of goat (Capra aegagrus hircus) and sheep (Ovis aries) living in Zawiya, Libya. METHODS: We obtained rumen samples from 16 goats and 17 sheep after the slaughter in Zawiya, Libya between June and August 2016. We immediately fixed the well-mixed samples with an equal volume of 18.5% formalin. We filtered and stained the samples in the laboratory with methyl green formalin saline solution to determine the nuclei and added 2% Lugol's iodine solution to visualize the skeletal plates. RESULTS: We found that the mean number (± standard deviation) of ciliates in the rumen contents from goats and sheep was 70.9±61.6×104 cells mL-1 (minimum-maximum value, 4.0-187.0×104 cells mL-1) and 96.3±49.3×104 cells mL-1 (minimum-maximum value, 19.5-235.0×104 cells mL-1), respectively. Results also showed that the total number of species per goat and sheep was 1-17 (mean, 8.2±4.7) and 1-13 (mean, 7.9±3.8), respectively. We identified 10 genera, 19 species, and 11 morphotypes in goats and 9 genera, 16 species, and 13 morphotypes in sheep. Additionally, we found that Entodinium simulans prevalence in all goats and sheep was 100%. On the other hand, we observed Hsiungia triciliata and Ostracodinium gracile in only one goat (6.3% prevalence) and Polyplastron multivesiculatum in only one sheep (5.9% prevalence). Overall, the ruminal ciliate fauna of goat and sheep in Libya comprised Entodinium species (mean for goats, 85.9%; mean for sheep, 83.5%). CONCLUSION: This study recorded Hsiungia triciliata as a new endosymbiont in goats. To our knowledge, this study is the first to report all of the species detected in goats from Libya. Similarly, this is the first to detect Diplodinium anisacanthum, Entodinium bursa, E. ellipsoideum, E. longinucleatum, E. simulans, Isotricha prostoma, Ophryoscolex caudatus, Ostracodinium gracile, and Polyplastron multivesiculatum in sheep from Libya.Objective: This study aims to provide comparative information on the rumen ciliate fauna of goat (Capra aegagrus hircus) and sheep (Ovis aries) living in Zawiya, Libya. Methods: We obtained rumen samples from 16 goats and 17 sheep after the slaughter in Zawiya, Libya between June and August 2016. We immediately fixed the well-mixed samples with an equal volume of 18.5% formalin. We filtered and stained the samples in the laboratory with methyl green formalin saline solution to determine the nuclei and added 2% Lugol’s iodine solution to visualize the skeletal plates. Results: We found that the mean number (± standard deviation) of ciliates in the rumen contents from goats and sheep was 70.9±61.6×104 cells mL-1 (minimum-maximum value, 4.0-187.0×104 cells mL-1) and 96.3±49.3×104 cells mL-1 (minimummaximum value, 19.5-235.0×104 cells mL-1), respectively. Results also showed that the total number of species per goat and sheep was 1-17 (mean, 8.2±4.7) and 1-13 (mean, 7.9±3.8), respectively. We identified 10 genera, 19 species, and 11 morphotypes in goats and 9 genera, 16 species, and 13 morphotypes in sheep. Additionally, we found that Entodinium simulans prevalence in all goats and sheep was 100%. On the other hand, we observed Hsiungia triciliata and Ostracodinium gracile in only one goat (6.3% prevalence) and Polyplastron multivesiculatum in only one sheep (5.9% prevalence). Overall, the ruminal ciliate fauna of goat and sheep in Libya comprised Entodinium species (mean for goats, 85.9%; mean for sheep, 83.5%). Conclusion: This study recorded Hsiungia triciliata as a new endosymbiont in goats. To our knowledge, this study is the first to report all of the species detected in goats from Libya. Similarly, this is the first to detect Diplodinium anisacanthum, Entodinium bursa, E. ellipsoideum, E. longinucleatum, E. simulans, Isotricha prostoma, Ophryoscolex caudatus, Ostracodinium gracile, and Polyplastron multivesiculatum in sheep from Libyatrueinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessCiliategoatrumensheepLibyaCiliate | goat | rumen | sheep Libya.Comparative Study of Rumen Ciliate Fauna of Goat and Sheep in Libya.Libya’daki Keçi ve Koyunların İşkembe Siliyat Faunasının Karşılaştırmalı ÇalışmasıComparative Study of Rumen Ciliate Fauna of Goat and Sheep in LibyaJournal Article10.4274/tpd.galenos.2021.3997410.4274/tpd.galenos.2021.399742-s2.0-8512264678834889195508906274279