Kurnaz, Mehmet Altan2019-10-302019-10-302013https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12597/910The aim of this study was to investigate performances of high school students regarding the conceptual, algorithmic and graphical physics questions by comparatively. The study was carried out with participant of 68 students. Data of the study was gathered with 15 open-ended questions. The results of the study showed that students performed better on the algorithmic and conceptual questions than the graphical questions. It was concluded that students’ competence in each question types may be affected from ratio of question types asked in university entrance examinations.enConceptual questions, Algorithmic questions, Graphical questionsAN ANALYSIS OF TURKISH HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS’ PERFORMANCE ON CONCEPTUAL, ALGORITHMIC AND GRAPHICAL PHYSICS PROBLEMSArticle