Köse Ö., Arıcı-Şahin F., Abakay A.Kose, O, Arici-Sahin, F, Abakay, A2023-05-092023-05-092021-01-012021.01.010895-2833https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12597/13178In this article, we examine the experiences of the characters in A Tale of Three Sisters movie from the critically informed family therapy perspective. The movie points out power imbalances in both relationships and the larger societal context within the scope of intersectionality of gender, social class, and geography. The reflections of a patriarchal social order manifest themselves in the “domestic servant” status of the three sisters. After a historical view on domestic servitude of children in Turkey, we discuss the movie by using the concepts of critically informed family therapy, and then provide culturally sensitive clinical recommendations.falseCritically informed family therapy | domestic servant | gender oppression | power dynamics | social class | spatial justiceA Tale of Three Sisters: A Movie Analysis from Critically Informed Family Therapy PerspectiveA Tale of Three Sisters: A Movie Analysis from Critically Informed Family Therapy PerspectiveArticle10.1080/08952833.2021.188018710.1080/08952833.2021.18801872-s2.0-85100541577WOS:000718143000002315329331540-4099